Church Board of Directors / Financial Information – (as of 7/11/24)

The Church Board of Directors administer “the affairs of this church.” They shall oversee all branches of the church work.  They shall have the power and responsibility to delegate authority to committees, also appoint and arrange for committees, supervise finances, procure a minister, make proper arrangements for a place of worship and other meetings, and conduct such other business as might be brought before them.

2023-24 Board Members & Officers

Ann Morris – Chair

Chuck Genuchi – Vice Chair

Veva Cheney – Secretary

Norma Jones– Financial Secretary 

Lonnie Goodrich

Cathy Holdsworth

Ron Ringland

Linda Weideman

Ben Wesley

Deb Boell – Church Treasurer

Church Board Meetings are scheduled for the Second Thursday of every month when possible and open to the entire congregation, if you would like to have an item on the agenda for the church board meeting, please contact the Chair in advance.

Church Financial Information

Church Financial Report   

As of July 11, 2024

Total Offerings: $49,704.71

Total Expenditures: $56,283.35

Difference: -$6,578.64

General Fund Savings: $62,217.06

Zelda Nelson: $16,217.06   Building Fund: $3,123.25

Church Endowment Fund (Thrivent) $56,578.93

Total cash assets: $145,845.20

Total of all other accounts combined: $76,445.76

      For more information see Treasurer’s Report in foyer or contact a church board member